Get Funding


Getting funding for your next short film can be difficult. As filmmakers we often have to spend our own hard earned cash and or raise capital from friends and family to simply make the films that we are passionate about. At OnSetPass we’re here to change that and help the filmmaking community.

With our funding feature we’re creating opportunities for you to get that funding for your next film. Every quarter at OnSetPass we will fund a current subscriber’s short film script & idea.


This is 1 of the core features we want to really focus on here at OnSetPass. Supporting the ideas of our subscribers and hopefully creating amazing opportunities for you to get the ideas out of your head and on screen. We want to uplift & support the filmmaking community and their ideas.

As an active member of OnSetPass you are able to submit your short film scripts for an opportunity to be funded. Our team will read and sift through the submissions and ultimately award filmmaker’s a budget to go make their film. Once your funding is secured we will send a BTS team to document the production of the short and your film along with a making of BTS featurette on the film Weill exclusively live on our streaming service for people around the world to watch and enjoy. Bigger picture for us and our team would be to even go beyond shorts and hopefully fund larger projects like independent feature films and documentaries!



Download our Form

Fill out the form and email it to info@onsetpass.com

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Only $8.25 per month! Billed Annually.